Dvadeset dana prije nego prošle godine na Viru je ostvareno dva milijuna noćenja, i to sasvim prigodno 29. kolovoza na Dan Općine Vir i blagdan Glavosjeka svetoga Ivana Krstitelja. Prema podacima iz eVisitora i virske Turističke zajednice, Vir je od 1. siječnja do 29. kolovoza zabilježio 2.015.441 turističkih noćenja s rastom od 13,5 posto (lani 1.775.393) te 127.871 dolazaka domaćih i stranih gostiju s rastom 28,1 posto u odnosu na isto razdoblje prošle godine (lani 99.863).
Najviše noćenja ostvarili su Hrvati (1.127.161) i 55,9 posto od svih noćenja na otoku, dok su strani turisti zabilježili 888.280 noćenja s 44,1 posto od ukupnih brojki. Najviše su imali Slovenci (214.428), potom Nijemci (177.515), Mađari (122.982), Česi (92.339) i Slovaci (83.206). U dolascima su prednjačili stranci s brojkom od 84.535 turističkih noćenja i 66,1 posto od svih dolazaka, a domaći su gosti imali 43.336 dolazaka, odnosno 33,9 posto. Kolonu dolazaka predvode Mađari (15.570), slijede Nijemci (14.609), Slovenci (14.593), Česi (10.099) i Slovaci (9.369), kao pet najvažnijih turističkih tržišta za Vir.
Sjajna sezona za otok Vir okrunjena je i rekordnim podacima kada je u pitanju usporedba s rekordnom 2019. godinom. Od početka godine do 29. kolovoza ostvarenost brojki noćenja iz rekordne 2019. iznosi vrhunskih 94,8 posto, što je najviše u Hrvatskoj, dok je ostvarenost turističkih dolazaka na također visokih 86,6 posto. U oba slučaja govorimo o najboljim statističkim podacima u Hrvatskoj i daleko boljim brojkama od nacionalnog prosjeka.
01.06. – 15.09.
2 deck chairs + parasol 20,00 €
Christmas-New Year's concert
On the eve of the feast of the Three Kings, a Christmas and New Year's a capella concert is traditionally held in the parish church of St. George, opened by the local group Puntadura and followed by the other groups from Zadar County and Dalmatia and a mixed vocal ensemble. The program is regularly and appropriately filled with Christmas carols. After the concert they all go to the restaurant Kotarina to dinner.
Masquerade in Vir
A traditional event dedicated to one of the oldest customs of the ancient Slavs with the spectacle of burning a Vir Carnival at the top of the event. Almost a month after the handing over the power to the Masquerade Republic people enjoy the concerts of the famous singers, crazy masked entertainment, the biggest gathering of small masquerades in Zadar County at the Children's Carnival, international carnival procession, winter version of City Games, traditional Vir carnival goulash, guest acrobats and surprise guests, traditional tours of the houses and many other crazy things. All in all, this is the event that you must experience.
Women's Day
An international Women's Day on March 8th celebrates the equality of women all over the world and it is traditionally held in the restaurant Kotarina. Coffee and cakes are free for the ladies as well as roses are given to them by the representatives of the Municipality of Vir. A two-hour gathering on the terrace of Kotarina never passes without the music.
Daffodil Day
This is a humanitarian activity that is traditionally organized at the end of March by the Municipality of Vir and DMC Vir Turizam. The symbolic selling of the daffodil flower raises the funds intended for the prevention and early detection of breast cancer, and the event is held in all Croatian cities that have clubs of treated and operated women. A daffodil is a symbol of awakening life and hope, so except for the monetary donation of the citizens, the Municipality of Vir also regularly donates funds to the Oncology Department of the General Hospital in Zadar for the purchase of radiation devices for the cancer patients.
Spring cycling race Zadar – Vir
The traditional bicycle race Zadar – Vir, 26 kilometers long and easy ride with stops has three annual editions, and the first one is on schedule in April. The Spring bike ride has the same scenario as any other; the start is on Branimir's coast, it goes through Zadar and Diklo, and then along the bike path to the St. George's Square in Vir. After refreshments people enjoy the music and then goes the traditional awards ceremony where the lucky competitors can get a set of cycling equipment and the luckiest among them can get 4000,00 kuna worth Mountain bike.
Labour Day
The traditional festivity on the first of May never passes without the restaurant Kotarina chefs who, to the delight of many visitors of the island, make thousands of portions of beans. Music and gathering on the first of May somehow always send nice weather so on that day Vir is a true excursion center of the Zadar region and bait for all weekenders from Croatia, Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, Germany, Czech Republic and Slovakia. None of them regrets the time and the journey to enjoy Labour Day on the island.
Vir summer
Already with the first longer sunny days in June starts the madness of Vir summer i.e. a three-month summer spectacle on which the island is envied by other domestic destinations. In the past five years more than half a million of people visited Vir summer at the concerts of the biggest Croatian pop stars, which speaks enough about the popularity of the hot Saturday nights in Vir. Gibonni, Massimo, Prljavo kazalište, Parni valjak, Tomislav Bralić & Intrade, Severina, Mladen Grdović, Mate Bulić, Dražen Zečić, Maja Šuput, Lidija Bačić, Tony Cetinski, Jacques Houdek and many others had concerts on the island, but the biggest ever seen spectacle was on the 13th of August when Jelena Rozga set fire to 25 000 people.
Vir fest
Nine editions of the festival of young singers were held so far, and every next was more glamorous and more visited. The formula has been developed from the first edition of the Vir fest: young and talented singers apply for a live performance on the stage, where in front of few thousand people they perform their songs.
Vir night
The traditional Vir night is the biggest and the most significant event on the island, the spectacle that needs to be experienced. The anniversary of the redemption of the island is celebrated when 89 Vir families redeemed their island on 13th of August in 1908., measured it and divided the land among themselves. However, Vir night is far more than that: it is a symbolic celebration of friendship and connection to the whole world and a music spectacle after which nobody remains indifferent. You are not a singer if you were not at Vir night, Maja Šuput once said, while Jelena Rozga after the concert in front of 25 000 people honestly said: „I have never experienced this“. Fortunately, we were there.
City Games finale
In the end, someone goes home with a trophy, the others are left empty-handed, but all the competitors always end in the sea together. The Croatian finale of the international competition in crazy games is traditionally held in Vir, and the winner of the City Games is the team that gets more points in several demanding and fun games. The stands next to Muja are regularly crowded with people, the atmosphere is like at football matches, and the team from Vir is constantly without a chance to win. Vir turizam organizes this top summer event.
Vir third – a capella singing
Meetings of klapa groups in August for fans of Dalmatian song might be the precious story of the Vir summer, and there are plenty of reasons for that. Since the first edition, the Vir third has grown and got better and better, so the fourth consecutive performance of groups from Zadar region, Zagreb, and even one from Slovenia, took place in a beautiful atmosphere where the scenography of the event fit perfectly. The event is traditionally opened by the local klapa Puntadura and at the end everyone gets presents and awards.
Vir festival
If Vir night is the biggest event of the summer season then the traditional Vir festival is the most beutiful possible event for a light farewell from the hot summer days and excitement. On 29th of August the Municipality of Vir celebrates its day and the feast of the beheading of St. John the Baptist, so the hosts of Vir welcome their friends and family, they celebrate their festival and at the top of the celebration is the concert of great musical names. Tomislav Bralić & Intrade, Jelena Rozga, Rišpet, Prljavo Kazalište, and many other music stars had their performance.
Fishing competition
It used to be an inter-county competition for seniors, it was also a county competition, and last year the National Championships for young categories in rod fishing from ashore was held where the competitor from Vir Roko Begonja triumphed. Begonja was also the team winner with Tamara Čavrag, so for the first time in its history, ŠRD Vir was the most successful team in Croatia. It was the gift for many years of dedicated work in Vir fishing association and all its members, especially for the top organization of complex fishing competitions and hosting the best Croatian, European, and world anglers.
Alpe Adria Jet Ski Tour finale
From Friday to Sunday in September, Alpe Adria Jet ski Tour finale, one of the most prestigious competitions of jet pilots and national teams in Europe, takes place on the sandy beach Jadro. More than a hundred of them, including the attractive freestyle competitors, push their jets to their extreme limits during the two days of competition to reach the ranking points and the overall victory at the end of the season. The value of these races can be seen in the fact that the most important Croatian pilots, Slaven Ivančić and Tihomir Kotarski are included in the organization of this spectacular event. Alpe Adria Jet Ski Tour is one of 4 events in Vir, i.e. super September and October which offers 4 sport events.
Autumn bicycle race Zadar – Vir
Everything is the same as in the spring, only the cyclists are warmly dressed. Therefore, the traditional 26 kilometers long bicycle race from Zadar to Vir takes place in a light rhythm so that everyone could reach the finish more-less together. The start is on Branimir's coast in Zadar and upon arrival at the St. George's Square in Vir they enjoy the refreshments and music, while at the peak of the event the lucky ones go home with certain awards.
Croatian Olympic Triathlon Championship
Many triathletes concluded that Vir is the best triathlon destination in Croatia, and they were right. The natural sea pool of the beach Jadro with sharp waves from the south, the exciting and demanding bike path of the Vir ring in the part of Lozice, and the rocky and pebbled part of the path for running are a great challenge even for the experienced triathletes like the legendary Ironman Dejan Patrčević. Four triathlon races have been held so far, and this is just the beginning of a beautiful tradition. The Swedes Michael Tagel and Tanja Branteus thought the same when they set off from Stockholm to Vir in order to enjoy the triathlon, beautiful weather and more beautiful island and spending time with their three-month-old son Adrian.
Advent in Vir
From November to Christmas the Advent in Vir lasts for four weeks, which with its first edition won the national award Simply the Best given by the Association of Croatian Travel Agencies (ACTA) and the tourist magazine Way to Croatia for the best-organized Advent events. Every Advent Saturday one candle is lit in the middle of the beautifully decorated St. George's Square, people enjoy socializing outdoors with tea, cookies and other holiday delicacies. The climax of the gathering are evening concerts of the famous music performers, and for the first time in the island history during the Advent event, Vir had a real winter skating rink. Vir turizam, as the organizer of this event and the Municipality of Vir as the sponsor of the event, along with the Advent in Vir traditionally organize the reception of St. Lucia and St. Nicholas with workshops and performances and also Santa Claus when the children and elementary school students are given gifts. The Advent in Vir is an ideal family party and the most beautiful winter memory for any childhood.
Christmas in Vir
The day after the Christmas Eve and the traditional gathering, the Christmas is celebrated on the Advent square when one of the best music pop stars or bands have their concerts. Once it was Crvena Jabuka at the spectacular concert in snowy conditions, several times Dražen Zečić as one of the most favorite performers, and every time the atmosphere was great.
Christmas bicycle race Zadar – Vir
On 26th of December the traditioanal Christmas bicycle race from Zadar to Vir, 26 kilometers long, takes place in a light rhythm so that everyone could more-less reach the finish together. The start is on Branimir's coast in Zadar, and upon the arrival in Vir they enjoy refreshments and music and Christmas atmosphere, while at the climax of the event the lucky ones get certain awards.
New Year's Eve
All big cities organize New Year's Eve in the open, as well as the island of Vir which traditionally organizes a New Year's party on St. George's Square. It used to be on the terrace or the summer stage of restaurant Kotarina, but due to the growing number of visitors even the central square has become too small. New Year's Eve in Vir is really a spectacle for all people in Vir and and increasing number of weekenders, visitors from neighbouring places in Zadar County, whole Croatia, neighbouring Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary or Austria. Lidija Bačić, Ivan Zak, Luka Nižetić, Lucija Buškulić & Tempo Band and many others had their live concerts in Vir.
Working hours 08:00 – 00:00
Price for 1 hour
01.06. – 30.09. - 2,00 €
Weekly ticket 45,00 €
Since the island is connected to the bridge, it is very easy to reach Vir by car, or by any means of road transportation with the highway A1 from all parts of Croatia and Europe.
It is about 20 minutes by car from the regional center Zadar, about 3 and half hours away from the Croatian capital Zagreb, six hours from Budapest, about 5 hours from Ljubljana and Maribor, just over 5 hours from Vienna, 8 hours from Prague, 7 hours from Bratislava, and only 6 hours from Munich etc. Vir is practically connected to Zadar Airport by the highway and detour so it is very easy to reach Vir if air transport is used to Zadar where planes fly from companies like Ryanair, Eurowings, Lufthansa, Croatia Airlines, EasyJet, Vueling, LOTi Jet2.com. Guests also come to the island by excursion boats and soon by a permanent boat line which will go from Zadar via Vir to Rijeka.